Understanding your water service
Shoalhaven Water is responsible for all water mains located within the Shoalhaven area and this includes water meters and any maintenance or repairs to your service line or connection.
Should you experience any problems with your water supply, we want to know so that we can rectify the problem as soon as possible.
Non-urgent matters can be submitted through our online service system, or if you are experiencing an emergency situation, call us immediately on 02 4429 3214. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This diagram indicates where the responsibility for maintenance lays.

As a property owner, it's important to understand the responsibilities around your water service and to ensure access is available to us to read the meter. It is also your responsibility to maintain all internal pipes and taps located within your property.
To find out more, click on the tabs below.
How to report a water related problem
We have a range of easy online services available to report a non-urgent water related issue. This could include a leaking water meter, boggy patch in street verge, leaking water hydrant, damaged water meter, taste or odour concerns, or discoloured water.
If the problem is urgent, it's best to call us on (02) 4429 3214 so we can get our team out to investigate as soon as possible.
Click on the button below to see where we can help you.
Report a problem
How to read your water meter
The below diagram is a guide to how the face of the meter looks.
When we read the meter, we read the black numbers only and then calculate a charge based on the kilolitres used.
By reading your water meter regularly you can identify any sudden change in the water use. Identifying a problem early will reduce the impact on the water usage component of your water account.
We recommend that if you are going on holidays or are not at your property regularly, that you turn your water meter off when you leave. This will prevent any unexpected water flow into the property that could cost you money.
How to identify a leak
To help identify if you have a leak on your property, we have created a simple three-step test:

- Find the water meter and record the reading. A simple way to do this is to use your phone camera (if you have one) and take a photo. Make sure not to use any water afterwards for a few hours.
- Read the meter again a few hours later making sure no water has been used during the test period.
- Compare the two sets of numbers. If they are the same there are no leaks. If they are different, subtract the first reading from the second and the difference will tell you how bad the leak is if water cannot be accounted for.
If a leak has been detected on the property, call a licensed plumber to fix it as soon as possible. Any water that passes through the water meter will be charged to the property owner, and this includes water lost through leaks.
Find out about undetected water leak rebates
Undetected water leaks can be costly. If you receive a larger than usual water account, we may be able to help.
Click on the button below to find out more.
Find out more
Submit a water meter reading
If we are unable to access your meter, we will leave a calling card requesting you provide your own meter reading. If we have not heard from you within two (2) weeks, an account will be issued based on an average usage of previous accounts.
To submit a meter reading, all you need is the meter number and the meter reading, then follow the link below.
Submit a meter reading
More information
If your water service is unauthorised, defective or has been illegally installed and we believe it could seriously affect our system, we may ask you to fix the problem at your expense. If you do not fix the fault as requested, the work will be undertaken by Shoalhaven Water and the cost passed on to you.