Report low water pressure or loss of water supply

You might experience low water pressure or loss of water when an incident such as a burst water main has occurred in your area, or we are completing planned or unplanned maintenance in your area.

How to report

Click on the tabs below find out how to report a non-urgent issue.

Before you report

Step 1.Look for any outage announcements on our website

When we have been notified of an incident and our crews are onsite undertaking emergency repairs, we provide announcements at the top of every page of our website. 

Step 2.Check our latest news articles to see if any major outages are affecting your area

You can view our news section here.

Step 3.Report a problem

If the problem you are experiencing is non-urgent, click on the next tab and report the problem using our online form. 

If it's urgent it's best to call us on (02) 4429 3214 as soon as possible and report the problem verbally. 

How to report

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