Register for direct debit

Direct debit allows you to make regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments on your water account directly from a nominated bank account. Our service also has the option to pay the full amount owing on the due date.

Our online form allows you to register, update your bank details, or cancel the direct debit service at any time.

Please note: Credit card payments are not accepted. Fees may be incurred if a transaction is dishonoured.

Steps to register, update or cancel a direct debit

Before you start

Have your documentation ready to upload

To register, update your bank details, or cancel your direct debit service, you will need:

  • Your 8-digit water reference number, and
  • Your nominated bank details (i.e. your account name, BSB and account number)

Your water reference number can be found highlighted in yellow in the lower right-hand corner of your account. This number will start with a 6.

biller code and reference number example


Proceed to the direct debit form in the next step

How to register

Complete the online registration form

Provide your 8-digit reference number and payment details when prompted.

The link below will take you to Council's online request management platform.

Register Online

Need help?

Need help? Contact us today

Call us on (02) 4429 3214 or visit your closest administration centre

Nowra Administration Centre
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
36 Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541

Ulladulla Branch Office
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
14 Deering Street, Ulladulla NSW 2539

No longer own the property?

To avoid unnecessary payments, remember to cancel your direct debit if you no longer own the property.