Apply for laundry facility discharge approval

Shoalhaven Water is responsible for assessing business activities and issuing approvals for discharging liquid trade waste into Council's sewerage system.

On review of an application, we will assess the proposed activity and if satisfied all pre-treatment requirements have been met, we will issue an approval.

If you are leasing a property to conduct your business, you must obtain the land owner's consent prior to applying for approval to discharge liquid trade waste into our sewerage system.

Steps to apply

Before you start

Step 1.Understand your pre-treatment requirements

Before you make application, make sure you understand the pre-treatment requirements relevant to your business activity.

As a guide, laundry facilities that generate liquid trade waste require the following pre-treatment equipment:

  • Lint screens
  • Cooling pit
  • Larger facilities may require pH correction

Depending on the activity, additional equipment may be required.

Step 2.Have your documentation ready to upload

To complete your application, you will need:

  • Relevant hydraulic plans and pre-treatment equipment specifications (as appropriate)
  • A copy of the land owner's consent (if property is leased)

How to apply

Complete the online application form

Upload relevant hydraulic plans and pre-treatment equipment specifications (as appropriate) and a copy of the owners consent (if property is leased) when prompted.

Need help?

Need help? Contact us today

Call us on (02) 4429 3214 or visit your closest administration centre

Nowra Administration Centre
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
36 Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541

Ulladulla Branch Office
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
14 Deering Street, Ulladulla NSW 2539

More information

Discharging liquid trade waste into Council's sewerage system without Council approval is an offence and penalties may apply.