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Shoalhaven City Council
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Shoalhaven City Council - Home - Logo
Open side
Services and requests
Your account
Fees and charges
Water and sewer charges
Vacant land service charges
Bills and payments
Account payment options
Make an online payment
Sign up for eNotices
Overdue accounts
Submit compliments, complaints and feedback
Managing your account
Request a copy of a bill
Register for direct debit
Request a refund or transfer
Make a payment arrangement
Avoiding flow restriction
Concessions and assistance
Apply for a pensioner concession
Financial assistance
Apply for a plumbing reimbursement
Apply for an undetected water leak rebate
Register for dialysis assistance
Register for the tap re-washer program
Update account details
Update my postal address
Nominate an authorised account representative
Notification of a deceased estate
Buying, selling or renting
Buying a property
Selling a property
Renting a property
Your water
Understanding your water service
Report a water problem
Report leaking meters, mains or hydrants
Report damaged water meters
Report low water pressure or loss of water supply
Report cloudy water
Report a taste or odour issue
Report discoloured water
Water meters
Meter connections and modifications
How to read your water meter
How to identify a leak
Submit a water meter reading
Report damaged water meters
Report leaking meters, mains or hydrants
Water bottle refill stations
Rainwater tanks
Apply for rainwater tank compliance
Apply for a rainwater tank rebate
Swimming pools
Sewer services
Types of sewer systems
Council sewer network
Your responsibilities
Sewer access points
Stormwater and the sewer system
Effluent pumpout systems
Effluent pumpout services
Register a new pumpout service
Request change of pumpout frequency
Request an extra or emergency pumpout
Septic tanks and aerated systems
Tanks and cleanout services
Request a tank cleanout
Request an AWTS cleanout
Pressure sewer systems
Pressure sewer systems explained
Operating your pressure sewer system
Apply for a pressure sewer system installation
Report a pressure sewer system problem
Report a sewer problem
Report a sewer blockage
Report a sewer odour
Report a pressure sewer system problem
Report a sewer manhole problem
Water quality
Monitoring our systems
Drinking water quality monitoring
Environmental protection monitoring
Water hardness
Report a water quality problem
Report cloudy water
Report a taste or odour issue
Report discoloured water
Water restrictions
Water restrictions during drought
Frequently asked questions
Apply for a water restriction permit
Water saving ideas
Checking for leaks
Building and renovating
Locating water and sewer assets
Information and resources
Guides, resources and standards
Building on or near our assets
Developer contributions explained
Fire service installations
Water and sewer construction works
Service location plans
Water development notices
What is a water development notice?
Water development notice fees and charges
Apply for a water development notice
Meeting conditions
Certificate of compliance
Apply for a certificate of compliance
Meter connections and modifications
Fees and charges
Meter connections
Modifications to existing water services
Demolition information
Before demolition
Book an inspection prior to demolition
Pressure sewer systems
Request a sewer manhole adjustment
Commercial and industrial
Liquid trade waste
Liquid trade waste explained
How to obtain approval to discharge
Business activity guide
Submit business activity details
Declaration as non-discharger
Backflow prevention and cross connection control
Backflow prevention and cross-connection control
Accredited backflow prevention plumbers
Register a backflow prevention device
Standpipe hire
How to use a standpipe
Apply for a metered standpipe
Submit a metered standpipe reading
Hydrant locations for standpipe use
Renew standpipe hire agreement (existing customers)
Community engagement
Our systems and operations
Our water supply
Our water treatment plants
Our wastewater treatment plants
Water treatment process
Wastewater treatment process
Our reclaimed water management scheme
Our communication towers
Water education
Educational resources
Request a Tapstar show
Hire a portable water station
Ways to save water
The Drop
Why water rates are increasing
Behind the scenes
Planning our future
Projects and developments
Danjera Dam Recreational Area Construction Project
Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area - Water Infrastructure
Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area - Wastewater Infrastructure
Bendeela & Cambewarra Reservoirs and Kangaroo Valley Storage Tanks
Design Services - Mains Program
Huskisson/Vincentia SPS 7, Rising Main and Gravity Main Upgrades
South Nowra Surcharge Main - Major Upgrades
Bream Beach Water Main and Naval Parade Sewer Main Relocations
Vision, mission and values
Meet our management
Strategic business plan
Customer service plan
Asset management strategy
Asset management plans
Environmental sustainability
Work with us
National performance reporting
Our policies
Contact us
You Are Here :
Planning our future
Our policies
In This Section
Projects and developments
Vision, mission and values
Meet our management
Strategic business plan
Customer service plan
Asset management strategy
Asset management plans
Environmental sustainability
Work with us
National performance reporting
Our policies
Our policies
Public policies
Backflow prevention and cross connection control
Building over water/sewer pipelines
Communication site charging
Community service obligations - Water supply, wastewater, effluent, trade waste services and Section 64 contributions
Connection of properties to Council's sewerage system
Debt management
Determining customer categories for the purpose of levying water and sewer charges
Downsize, disconnect or nominal sizing of water meter services
Drinking water quality
Liquid trade waste discharge to sewerage system
Metered standpipe and bulk water filling station
Non urban wastewater connection
Non urban water supply
Payment Assistance Scheme (PAS) - Water accounts
Provision of water and sewer infrastructure - Developments not included in development servicing plans
Rainwater tank rebate
Reclaimed water
Undetected leak rebate
Water and sewer - Minor mains extension
Water and sewerage headworks charges (Section 64 contributions) - Assistance for developments
Strategic plans
Asset management strategy
Asset management plan - Communications facility
Asset management plan - Wastewater
Asset management plan - Water supply
Customer service plan
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