Contact us

We want to make it easy for you to get in touch so there are lots of ways to contact us.


Report a problem

Use our multi-purpose online form to report a non-urgent water or sewer related issue.

Report online

Request a service

Browse the range of online service requests.

Request online

Chat online

During office hours click on the Chat icon to talk with one of our friendly customer experience team online. 

By phone

Customer enquiries

We are available between 8:30am and 4:30pm to handle all customer enquiries.

(02) 4429 3214

Interpreter service

131 450

After-hours emergencies

If you are experiencing an emergency outside of business hours, our after-hours contact centre will assist you.

(02) 4429 3214

In person

Nowra City Administration Centre

Office hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday

36 Bridge Road, Nowra, NSW 2541

Ulladulla Branch Office

Office hours: 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday

14 Deering Street, Ulladulla, NSW 2539

Mailing address

Sholhaven Water Group
City Administrative Centre
PO Box 42
Nowra, NSW 2541

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