Apply for a metered standpipe

Standpipes are portable hydrants designed to connect to the water main and to gain access to bulk water. They are for business purposes only and must not be used for agriculture or as an alternative to a normal property water supply. 

Examples of acceptable business uses are:

  • To suppress dust
  • On a construction or building site
  • For new landscaping projects or bush regeneration
  • To cart water 

Please note: When you hire a metered standpipe from us, you commit to submitting quarterly meter readings. Failure to provide a quarterly meter reading will result in a late fee, per device.

Steps to apply

Click on the tabs below to find out how to apply for a metered standpipe and what happens next. 

How to apply

Step 1.Review the standpipe hire fees and charges below

Step 2.Have your backflow prevention documentation ready

Further information can be found below. 

Step 3.Complete the online application form

The link below will take you to Council's online request management platform.

Apply Online

What happens next

Step 1.Review application

On receipt of your application, we will review your request.

Step 2.Issue invoice

Approved applications will be invoiced with a quarterly hire fee and a refundable deposit.

Once your invoice is paid, you will be able to pick up a metered standpipe and/or bulk water filling station key from us. See the pick-up details tab for more information.

Pick-up details

Step 1.Pay the invoice issued to you

Step 2.Bring proof of payment with you

On pickup, you or your company must:

  • Provide a valid receipt number as proof of payment; or
  • If paying on pickup, you must present the invoice and make payment with our cashier

Step 3.Pick up the metered standpipe and/or bulk water filling station key

Once the invoice has been paid, metered standpipes and bulk water filling station keys can be picked up from:

Nowra Administration Building
36 Bridge Road, Nowra, NSW 2541

Using the standpipe

Before you use the standpipe:

Step 1.Review our Standpipe Hire Agreement listing all prohibited areas.

Penalties will apply if:

  • Complaints are received of no water or dirty water due to water being drawn in a low-pressure area, or
  • Damage occurs to the hydrant or main in a prohibited area. Repair charges will be forwarded to the person responsible. 

Step 2.Find out 'How to Use a Standpipe' and what to do if you encounter a problem.

Step 3.Refer to our online map of our preferred hydrant point locations

Need help?

Need help? Contact us today

Call us on (02) 4429 3214 or visit your closest administration centre

Nowra Administration Centre
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
36 Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541

Ulladulla Branch Office
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
14 Deering Street, Ulladulla NSW 2539

More information 

Standpipe hire fees and charges

An invoice will be issued to applicants based on the below fees and charges. On payment of invoice, a standpipe will be available for pickup from our Nowra administration building. 

Quarterly fee Water usage charge Refundable deposit
25mm standpipe $80 $2.50 per kl $320
65mm standpipe $130 $2.50 per kl $500
Bulk water station $1.25 per kl $70

Failure to provide quarterly standpipe meter readings will incur a $300 per quarter, per standpipe charge. 

On return of a standpipe, we will read the meter and deduct any water usage charges from the refundable deposit. Failure to maintain our standpipe or failure to return a cancelled standpipe, will result in harsh penalties.

Backflow prevention requirements

The hirer of a standpipe is required to prevent backflow in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) and AS/NZS3500.1, and Council’s policy on Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control.

Prevention may be in the form of a fixed air gap or a testable backflow prevention device (e.g. RPZD or DCV).

Fixed Air Gap

Proof of compliance must be provided by way of photographic evidence showing the fixed air gap being 2x the internal diameter of the fill pipe. See Standpipe Hire Agreement for full details. 

Backflow Prevention Device

Where an air gap is not possible, the hirer must install a testable backflow prevention device on the vehicle or standpipe. This device must be registered and tested annually. 

The applicant must submit a copy of the backflow prevention test and maintenance report, as issued by a certified backflow prevention plumber, with their application for standpipe hire.

Metered standpipe sizes

All standpipes used in our area of operations must be metered and hired from us.

We offer two sizes of metered standpipes:

  • 25mm - for small volume users (max. flow rate: 1.5 L/sec)
  • 65mm - for large volume users (max. flow rate: 8.3 L/sec)

Bulk water filling stations

Bulk water filling stations offer a cheap and convenient means for contractors, water carters and rural customers to access drinking water.

Our bulk water stations are located in:

  • Kangaroo Valley - Broughton Street
  • Tomerong - Corner of Hawken and Yerunda Roads