We recommend you visit the 'Before You Dig' (BYDA) website to determine where our water, sewer and sewer junction positions and depths are located.
BYDA is a national service dedicated to preventing injury and reducing damage to the complex underground networks that provide essential services to millions of Australians every day.
Lodging an inquiry is a FREE and simple process.
Make an inquiry
To make an inquiry, follow this link to the Before You Dig website, download their mobile app, or call them directly on 1100.
Be advised that the information provided by BYDA is indicative only and Shoalhaven Water does not accept responsibility of accidental damage to assets. If an excavator is unclear about the location of our services, we can assist and undertake an onsite location visit.
Critical asset alert
Should your BYDA query detect a critical asset in your proposed work area you will be requested to contact Shoalhaven Water during business hours to notify us of impending works.
You can contact us on (02) 4429 3214.
When contacting us, ensure you have appropriate information available so your inquiry is dealt with by the right person.
Shoalhaven Water is responsible for and undertakes all works on its assets unless specific exemptions are approved in advance by Shoalhaven Water.
Our assets and works include the installation, removal, replacement or upsize of any water meter, water mains, main tappings, hydrant points and fire services. It also includes the installation, removal, replacement or repair of sewer mains, manholes and other inspection openings.
Please note: Tampering with Shoalhaven Water assets is illegal and may result in prosecution.
Water mains
Water mains are generally located in the footway or road shoulder and are generally laid at standard depths. Shoalhaven Water has an allocation for water assets within the footpath which is normally 2.4 metres off the property boundary line to the back of the kerb. Look for fittings such as hydrant lids, stop valve lids, raised reflective markers or marker posts to provide an easy estimate of location of water mains.
Sewer pipelines
Sewer pipelines are generally located within private property; however, they are also located within the road reserve, public reserves and other public spaces. Sewer pipelines can vary significantly in depth. Looking for structures such as manholes will indicate sewers are in the area. For pressure mains look for stop valves, scour valve lids or pits, air valve pits or marker posts for estimated location of bends or pipelines.
Plan – Obtain location of pipes from BYDA.
Protect – Protect Shoalhaven Water’s assets, failure to do so may result in joint failure, damage to asset, flooding and injury.
Pothole – Comply with the instructions issued by Shoalhaven Water and/or the work method statement. Begin excavation by hand to expose the services. Have a Shoalhaven Water staff member present during excavation (fees and charges may apply).
Do not use large heavy machinery to locate Council assets, it can lead to possible damage to the asset.
Proceed – Complete the first three steps before proceeding.
If there is any uncertainty about the responsibility for works or you have any questions relating to a critical asset or a BYDA inquiry, please contact us on (02) 4429 3214.