Before demolition

Within the Shoalhaven, the demolition of infrastructure requires an approved development application and/or water development notice.

All water and sewer services must be disconnected from Council’s network prior to demolition to ensure damage or blockages to the mains are avoided. 

All works must be undertaken by a licensed plumber in accordance with the below water and sewer requirements, followed by an inspection undertaken by a Shoalhaven Water inspection officer. 

Water disconnections

Prior to demolition, the internal water lines on the property must be disconnected from the existing metered water service/s currently serving the lot.

Metered and unmetered fire services shall only be disconnected downstream of the meter or stop valve (located just inside the property boundary) where the fire service is no longer required. 

Sewer disconnections

Prior to demolition, all existing internal sewer drainage pipe work is to be flushed, disconnected from the existing sewer junction and the sewer junction is to be temporarily capped off.  

At the developer/applicant’s cost, works must be inspected by Shoalhaven Water to ensure the temporary capping off the sewer junction is not impacted by debris which can impact (block the sewer main) the normal operation of the sewer system. 

Non-compliance penalties

Non-compliance with these requirements can result in damage or blockages to Council’s assets and may result in costly repair works and/or legal action. 

Need more help?

For further information,or to modify an inspection date or time, call us on 02 4429 3547 or email providing details of the property and development application it relates to.